LONGWOOD GARDENS Longwood was the country estate of the Pierce family, and later, the du Pont family. The estate, located in Pennsylvania’s Brandywine Creek Valley, has been open to the public since 1921. The grounds also contain the Pierce-du Pont House, which as an architect, was always my favorite part. But, the Gardens … they were my mother’s favorite … and are still my sister’s favorite. Apparently, the Garden is about open a new 32,000 square foot conservatory! ( I bet my sister is already planning a visit! )https://www.archpaper.com/2024/10/weiss-manfredi-reed-hilderbrand-longwood-garden/ https://longwoodgardens.org/new-garden-experience |
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TREE HOUSES! In a recent newsletter spoke about my idea for living inside trees. This competition addresses the “tree in a house” in a perhaps somewhat more conventional or perhaps a more “young child’s tree fort fantasy” kind of way. But i was impressed with the variety of creative approaches to “living in a tree”. https://archinect.com/news/bustler/10132/a-creative-trio-of-treehouse-designs-emerge-as-winners-of-the-tree-house-2024-competition |
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RECIPROCAL ROOFS This video short showed up on my Facebook recently. It claims that an Asian General invented a way to get his troops across a chasm by placing three logs in this configuration. It reminded me of “reciprocal roofs”, a concept a very smart friend introduced me to many years ago. Honestly I STILL don’t fully understand how the magic works. Watch the linked video to see one go together!https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0zax1KisAjM |